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Monster Slayer

Whether you were driven by personal vendetta, fueled by stories of renowned figures, or something else entirely, you’ve made a career out of hunting monsters. This is dirty, dangerous work, but not as fatal as the average person might believe—an individual skeleton or giant rat can pose a serious threat to a commoner, but with the right tools and preparation even an amatuer hunter stands a better-than-even chance. It’s a good living for those willing to put up with the risks…and the ichor. The risks aren’t always from the monsters, however, as many in your profession are considered bad omens, accused of attracting creatures that, in reality, were already present in the shadows.

How long have you been hunting monsters? How did you get started? Do you enjoy your work? Are you part of an organization or team? Is it just a job, or is it personal somehow? What’s the most dangerous monster you’ve successfully taken down? What’s the closest call you had as a monster hunter? How do you feel about the monsters you hunt?

Ability Score Increases: +1 to Wisdom and one other ability score.

Skill Proficiencies: Two chosen from Arcana, Nature, and Religion.

Languages: One of your choice

Suggested Equipment (Cost 29 gold): Traveler’s clothes, flask of holy water, wooden stake, shovel.

Feature: Stand Firm. Once per long rest , you can completely ignore an Intimidation attempt or an effect that causes the confused , frightened , and/or rattled conditions from a creature not of the humanoid type. Additionally, once you have put down a threat in a given region the people may reward you by sharing what they have. You are able to maintain a poor or moderate lifestyle with the assistance they provide, depending on their means.

Adventures and Advancement. As your reputation and skills grow, you will have the opportunity to take on some help with your hunts in the form of apprentices. You may gain the service of an acolyte , a scout , and 2 warriors who you are training to follow in your footsteps.

Connection and Memento. Roll 1d10, choose, or make up your own.

Monster Slayer Connections

  1. A rival who is always trying to upstage you.
  2. A town constable you have worked with on numerous occasions.
  3. Your mentor, now retired from monster hunting.
  4. The alchemist who always had experimental compounds to try out. Some even worked!
  5. A local official you once accused of collaborating with monsters.
  6. The owner of a bar that you saved from mutant rats in the cellar, who now lets you drink there for free.
  7. A friendly hunter you have previously teamed up with to take down dangerous prey.
  8. A local child who idolizes you and tries to tag along during hunts.
  9. A sapient monster who got away and now wants revenge.
  10. A sapient monster who you let go and now wants to protect you.

Monster Slayer Mementos

  1. An almost-full bag of consecrated salt.
  2. A tooth, claw, or other trophy taken from a monster you killed.
  3. A manual of lore about a specific type of monster, well-thumbed and extensively annotated.
  4. A bundle of wolfsbane or a necklace of garlic.
  5. Your loyal hunting companion (a mastiff , hawk , or similar creature).
  6. The monster hunting contract of one that got away.
  7. A letter from a former customer imploring you to come quickly—they need your help.
  8. A box of giant rat poison (one dose of simple poison ).
  9. A locket with a small portrait inside, found in the den of a monster.
  10. A scratched hand mirror.