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Dense Fog

nd tier (
(3 hours)

Thick fog blankets the area. It’s possible the fog originates from smoke, descended clouds, volcanic ash, or other natural events.

Causes. If the fog is not natural, an Investigation check finds the origin of the haze (be it a rift in an enormous slab of stone, a smoldering fire, or open pit) though it still needs to be plugged, put out, or otherwise stopped.   

Fogged Vision. The maximum range of any sight-based senses is 5 feet. In addition, Perception checks are made with disadvantage , and all passive scores (including passive Perception) are reduced by 5.

Spell Solve. The fog can be temporarily blown away by the casting of a gust of wind spell, giving the adventurers advantage on checks made against it.

Possible Solutions
  • A group Survival check helps the party navigate through the fog.
  • Alternatively, individual adventurers may choose to use Perception and scent, sound, or tremors to navigate.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: The party gets terribly lost, losing 8 (2d4+3) hours of travel time, and one adventurer suffers a level of fatigue when they take a hurtful fall in the fog.

Failure: The adventurers lose 4 (2d4 – 1) hours in the fog.

Success: The adventurers find pockets of clear sight within the haze and lose no travel time.

Critical Success: The adventurers travel unhindered through the area of haze and manage to find a faster route that lets them cover the area in just 1 hour. 

Leave It Be

The haze may lift after 2d12 hours. The choice to wait or venture forth into the obscured area is in the hands of the adventurers. If they wait, they lose that amount of time and gain no experience.