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Falling Net

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

A hunter has set up and left a net trap to catch some massive creature in this prime hunting spot. The height and dimensions of the net are at the Narrator’s discretion, but should be big enough to capture at least a Large creature. Several thin wires sit 3 feet off the ground, each connected to a structure that holds up the net. When something trips the wire, the net drops down around it.

Item. The net is made of a tough material (AC 16, 20 hit points) and needs to be cut in at least four places no less than 1 foot apart for a trapped creature to free itself.

Escape. If the adventurers are caught in the trap, an Athletics check allows them to free themselves, and an Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand check enables them to wiggle a blade free.

Trap. This trap can be detected by a passive Perception of 14 or with a Perception check to notice ropes overhead. If the trap is not detected, it automatically triggers a critical failure.

Possible Solutions
  • Once the adventurers notice the trap, an Investigation check disables it.
  • They might instead make Acrobatics checks to carefully move around the wires, or Athletics checks to climb on any objects or structures nearby (if there are any) to avoid touching the ground entirely. 

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: The entire party is caught by the net and suspended 20 feet in the air. Each of the adventurers is grappled and restrained . If they are unable to escape, a hunter comes by in two days and frees them.

Failure: The adventurer that failed the check is caught by the net and suspended 20 feet in the air, grappled and restrained by it. Safely freeing them takes 2 hours (though they can be freed more quickly if the net is dropped 20 feet to the ground first).

Success: The party spots and avoids the trap.

Critical Success: The party disassembles the trap and gains a tough net as well as 250 feet of hemp rope.