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Every hero has something that drives them forward, an inner spark or outward goal that compels them to risk everything for a life of adventure. Choosing a destiny provides important roleplaying cues and features that help shape your character’s identity. Why are they an adventurer? What drives them into a life of danger? Is destiny thrust upon them by circumstance, or do they have a burning desire for a future they wish to claim for their own? 


Each destiny has a table of example motivations that represents the heart of your character’s desire to be an adventurer. Feel free to select a motivation, determine one randomly, or create one that you feel matches the destiny.


The Narrator awards inspiration, a resource which grants you an edge in important moments, when you roleplay your character according to your destiny. Each destiny has a source of inspiration which describes acts of roleplaying that should be rewarded with inspiration (although it remains at the Narrator’s discretion). Additionally, the Narrator can award inspiration whenever they feel a character has been particularly clever, engaging, or heartfelt in their roleplaying.

Once you have inspiration, you can save it indefinitely. Whenever you or an ally you can see makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you may spend your inspiration to grant advantage to that roll. 

Alternatively, you can spend inspiration to use the inspiration feature unique to your chosen destiny. 

You either have inspiration or you don’t; if you already have inspiration and do something worth rewarding inspiration, you do not gain a second use of inspiration.

Fulfilling Your Destiny

Each destiny includes a fulfillment feature that you gain when you achieve your destiny, a momentous event usually at the end of a major story arc in the narrative (indicated by the Narrator). Even if your destiny remains outside of your grasp, it is close enough at hand that you automatically gain its fulfillment feature when you reach 16th level.

If you fulfill your destiny early in a campaign, at the Narrator’s discretion you may select an additional destiny. You retain your original destiny’s features and gain the source of inspiration and inspiration feature of your new destiny. You cannot gain a second fulfillment feature. 

Changing Your Destiny

Motives change over time, as do the stories we tell. Whenever you gain a class level, you may choose to change your destiny. You lose any features provided by your current destiny and select a new destiny, gaining its source of inspiration and inspiration features. 

Alignment Traits

Some destinies or class features grant an alignment trait: Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful. Alignment represents a common moral disposition, and some items or spells may affect creatures with an alignment differently. You can never have two opposed alignment traits (Chaotic and Lawful, or Evil and Good).