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Farm (stronghold)

A farm is any organized cultivation and harvesting from the land, from a family steading to a sprawling ranch. This typically includes groves of fruit trees, fields of vegetables, large pastures for the raising of livestock, or a combination of the three.

Rural: A farm is a rural stronghold.

Stronghold Feat: You gain a number of additional Hit Dice equal to your proficiency bonus (if you have multiple types of Hit Dice, use the largest). This does not increase your hit point maximum. In addition, you have no daily expenses while in the same region as your stronghold.

At Grade 4, your time working the farm has made it easy for you to recover quickly. When you expend Hit Dice to heal during a short rest , you can treat a Hit Die roll of 4 or lower as a 4.

At Grade 5, you regain 1 additional hit point for every Hit Die expended during a short rest.

Best Suited For: Berserker , druid , ranger

Minimum Size: 11 acres (Grade 3)

Minimum Quality: Frugal

Followers Available: Porter, teamster, torchbearer