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Proficiency Bonus

Your proficiency bonus can be found in the table below. Characters starting out at 1st level begin with a +2 to proficiency and that bonus applies to a number of important character elements: 

Proficiencies come from a number of sources, including backgrounds , classes, feats , and more. Be sure to keep a look out for when your character gains a proficiency and note it on the character sheet. 

Your proficiency bonus can only be added to a die roll or any other circumstance once. The only exceptions are cases where the bonus is modified before being applied to a roll. If circumstances arise that indicate your bonus should be halved, doubled, or multiplied more than once, the golden rule is to only halve, double, or multiply it once. 

Level Proficiency Bonus
1-4 +2
5-8 +3
9-12 +4
13-16 +5
17-20 +6