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Memories of Holdenshire: Redwall Locations

Memories of Holdenshire: Redwall Locations

Redwall is the long alleyway between the west, north, and east perimeter of the Northminster Abbey and the surrounding buildings. It is nearly a quarter-mile long and is connected to the rest of the city only by even narrower alleyways, making coordinated guard actions nearly impossible. It is the seat of Northminster's criminal underbelly, and numerous residents scamper throughout it eager to keep an eye out for marks while not looking too closely at each other's activities. There are several mainstays of Redwall though that the party may want or need to visit.

Memories of Holdenshire

Memories of Holdenshire

When the adventurers awake in the catacombs below Northminster, they must unravel a mystery and escape the law! After frantic wagon chases, a wilderness journey, friendly hags, and a village fair, can they recover their memories of Holdenshire?

A starter adventure for 1st-level characters by Andrew Engelbrite, Sen. H.H.S, and Savannah Broadway, this adventure gently introduces some of Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition's new rules. You can play this adventure using the 5th Edition core rules or with Level Up.