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Hand of the Night

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement; cost 3500 gp)
Crafting Components

Fingerbones from a thief whose hand was cut off as punishment for their crimes.

Thin ridges of ivory trace the fingers of this supple leather glove, yet they never restrict the movement or flexibility of the hand. While wearing this glove, you can cause an object held in your hand to turn invisible , provided it weighs 5 pounds or less. The object remains invisible until you let go of it or end the effect as a free action. If you make an attack with an invisible weapon that has the finesse property, the attack doesn’t trigger any reactions unless the creature making the reaction can perceive invisible objects.

Additionally, if you are in dim light or darkness , you can turn invisible as an action. You remain invisible for 10 minutes or until you use movement or take any actions or reactions.

Curse. While in sunlight, your skin appears gray and veiny, your face is gaunt, and your eyes turn hollow, pale, and milky, giving you an unsettling demeanor. The exact effects of this appearance can vary broadly depending on who’s around to see it, often imposing disadvantage on Charisma checks or even outright hostility. Additionally, while in sunlight you make any saving throws with a –2 penalty.

Escalation. This glove’s true powers open up when, through subtlety and subterfuge, you steal something greater than just objects. This could mean stealing a soul away from death, stealing victory from the jaws of defeat, or something even more unusual. The first time you perform such a feat, the glove gains 3 charges that replenish each dawn. Additionally, each time you trigger the escalation you can choose from one of the following benefits, each of which cost 1 charge to use.

• You can cast disguise self without expending a spell slot, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this effect. You can’t do so again until the next dawn.
• For 1 minute you can use movement while benefiting from this glove’s invisibility.
• If you take an action or reaction while benefiting from this glove’s invisibility, you can instead become visible at the start of your next turn.