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Airship Crew

Those who ply the skies above many worlds travel further and longer than most, some even bringing their families aboard. Passing over not only vast seas, but forests, vales, and deserts just as vast—and just as unforgiving for those who fall. You were born into a life as unforgiving as the plummet.

Characters raised in the airship pirate culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Sharp-Eyed Lookout. When in an elevated vantage capable of seeing over obstacles in your environment your vision extends out to two miles. You cannot make out fine details, such as writing or the exact appearance of a face, at that distance, but you can make out broad details, like the colors of a flag or the shape of a person.

Skysailor. You are proficient with air vehicles and tinker’s tools. You also gain an expertise die when using tinkers tools to make repairs to vehicles. In addition, you are acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet and gain an expertise die to saving throws caused by being at high altitude, such as cold or vertigo.

Swing into Action. When you use Athletics or Acrobatics to move toward an enemy, such as leaping over a railing or swinging from a rope, you gain expertise on the roll.

Weapons of the Trade. You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and either ballistas or canons, as determined appropriate to the setting by the Narrator.

Languages. You can speak, read, sign, and write Common and one other language.