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Calcite Gecko

Tiny beast
Mundane; material
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Regions: Lofty Mountains, Underland Realm (caves)

The skin of these small lizards resembles the calcite stone for which they are named. Typically found in mountainous regions and in and around caves, calcite geckos are drawn to deposits of precious and semiprecious gemstones and minerals. Shy by nature, they usually flee when seen. Adventurers who succeed on a Survival check against the region’s DC to track a fleeing calcite gecko will be led to a mineable deposit of raw gems. Mining these gems usually takes 10 minutes. Roll 1d4 to determine the value of the deposit, as per the table below. At the Narrator’s discretion, higher tier regions may yield deposits of higher value.

Table: Gems Found

  1 1d4 + 2 gp
  2 2d4 + 2 gp

3d6 + 3 gp


4d6 + 4 gp