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Moonkeepers are a separatist religious sect who worship the moon, though there is disagreement as to how the moon is to be understood—whether it is merely a catalyst for blessings and curses, or if it is to be worshiped as the shadow elves’ moon goddess, a primordial nature spirit, or some other being entirely. Their traditions also vary depending on the outside influences a given sect has interacted with—some moonkeeper beliefs are ancient, but the influence of contemporary religious and druidic movements are undeniable. Not all Moonkeeper adherents are religious experts, but even lay followers are deeply spiritual people who seamlessly weave ritual observances into ordinary life. This does not mean they are a dour group, however; moonkeepers are well known for their elaborate storytelling style, with honors and bragging rights going to those who can tell the most frightening, elaborate, or amusing tales.

A nearly universal moonkeeper tenet is to lead a largely nocturnal lifestyle. Members will make exceptions for vital needs, but for them the light of the moon is more hallowed than that of the sun, and all worthwhile endeavors should be done under its gaze. This way of life has many impacts on cultural values and practices, which are too many to list here. For one example, the night teaches not just the value of darkness but of quiet, and Moonkeepers often prefer to speak in whispers and murmurs (saving shouts and howls for appropriate, usually religious, moments). This tendency, which Moonkeepers find so practical, is often misunderstood by outsiders as weakness, subversion, or even aggression.

Characters raised in the moonkeeper culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Child of Night. You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.

Ritualistic Focus. Many of the moonkeeper observances you’ve internalized have broader magical applications. You know two 1st-level spells of your choice. These spells must have the ritual tag and you may only cast them as rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. In addition, you may cast other spells you learn as rituals if those spells have the ritual tag.

Storyteller. Your people are especially known for their evocative, often chilling tales. Choose a skill from among Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, or Religion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill.

Superior Darkvision. Your nocturnal lifestyle and connection to the moon have improved your ability to see without light. The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet. If you didn’t have darkvision already, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one other language of your choice.