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Training Hall

Training halls encompass dojos, drill squares, and more. They often contain combat dummies, racks of wooden training weapons, and other equipment designed to improve the combat abilities of soldiers and warriors.

Stronghold Feat: While using your training hall, the training time required to gain proficiency with a new weapon is reduced by half.

At Grade 2, while using your training hall the training time required to gain proficiency with a new weapon is reduced to 1 month.

At Grade 4, while using your training hall the time required to relearn a class feature from the adept , berserker , fighter , herald , martial , ranger , or rogue class is reduced by half. In addition, while using your training hall a creature can both train in the use of a new weapon and relearn an adept, berserker, fighter, herald, marshal, ranger, or rogue class feature at the same time.

At Grade 5, while using your training hall the time required to retrain an archetype from the adept, berserker, fighter, herald, martial, ranger, or rogue class is reduced to 1 month.

Best Suited For: Adept , fighter , herald , rogue

Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade 1)

Minimum Quality: Average

Followers Available: Bodyguard, diviner, healer, porter, squire, torchbearer