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While the Children of Zev laud the ancient king, the zevanchists have a different perspective: an ancient power abusing his position and the people he forced onto the Astral Plane. Far more contemplative than their cousins, zevanchists build monasteries and homes on asteroids of matter adrift in the Astral and remote islands on the Astral Seas. Their buildings all bear the inverted symbol of Zev (resembling a sharp, barbed V with looping arms) in brilliant crimson to remind all to question authority and its origins.

Even as contemplatives living in well-defended fortresses hidden away from others, zevanchists yet hold a deeply ingrained cultural hatred of the khalkoi, who invaded and destroyed the world Zev fled from in the first place.

Characters raised in the zev anchist culture have a variety of traits in common.

Self-Awareness. Raised in a monastic structure, you are more aware of yourself and your emotions than many are thanks to years of deep contemplation of the self. You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened .

Mindful Meditation. Through practice, you have the ability to gain rest from quiet meditation. When you take a long rest you may choose to meditate for a period of 4 hours instead of sleeping for 6. During this meditation you suffer no penalty to passive Perception. A long rest is still 8 hours for you and the remainder must only consist of light activity.

Unity of Purpose. On the Astral Plane you and those you trust are alone in a vast realm of thought and must rely on each other. When making an Insight check, you can spend your reaction to allow one ally within 15 feet to benefit from your roll. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), you cannot use it again until you have finished a short or long rest .

Additionally, once per long rest, you can use your reaction to enter into a state of focus for up to 1 minute, which enables you to take the Help action as a bonus action. This requires concentration like a spell.

Languages. You know how to read, sign, and speak the Common tongue and one other language of your choice.