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Mass Suggestion

Casting Time
Up to twelve creatures that can hear and understand you
miniature bottle of wine and some soap
24 hours
Saving Throw
Wisdom negates

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this spell. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The targets are magically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the targets to perform an action that is obviously harmful to them ends the spell. 

A target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The activity can last for the duration of the spell, and if it requires less time the spell ends after a target has carried out the activity.

You may specify trigger conditions that cause a target to perform a specific activity while the spell lasts. For example, you may suggest that the target takes off its clothes and dives the next time it sees a body of water. If the target does not see a body of water before the spell ends, the specific activity isn’t performed.

Any damage done to a target by you or an ally ends the spell for that creature.

Cast at Higher Levels

When cast using a 7th-level spell slot, the duration of the spell increases to 10 days. When cast using an 8th-level spell slot, the duration increases to 30 days. When cast using a 9th-level spell slot, the duration increases to a year and a day.