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Phantom Steed

Casting Time
1 hour

You create an illusory Large creature with an appearance determined by you that comes into being with all the necessary equipment needed to use it as a mount. This equipment vanishes when more than 10 feet away from the creature. 

You or any creature you allow may ride the steed, which uses the statistics for a riding horse but has a Speed of 100 feet and travels at 10 miles per hour at a steady pace (13 miles per hour at a fast pace). 

The steed vanishes if it takes damage (disappearing instantly) or you use an action to dismiss it (fading away, giving the rider 1 minute to dismount). 

Rare Versions

Cavel’s Carting Phantom Steed. Instead of conjuring a mount, you conjure a Large vehicle such as a boat, wagon, or cart. You decide on its appearance. If the vehicle normally requires horses, quasi-real beasts with an appearance of your choosing are conjured along with it. The vehicle can transport up to 6 Medium creatures.

Kasvarina’s Stalwart Phantom Steed. If the steed takes damage and disappears, you can use an action to resummon it as long as you are not in combat and the original duration has not passed. The steed follows all other restrictions of the original spell.

This spell may be cast as a ritual