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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Sort descending Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Leaping Strike 1 2nd degree Tooth and Claw Action Move up to 40 feet and either push or knock your target prone. Adventurer's Guide
Legion Stance 1 1st degree Sanguine Knot Bonus Action (Stance) An ally can attack a foe you hit with a critical hit. Adventurer's Guide
Life Drinker 2 3rd degree Eldritch Blackguard Action With a baleful word and a vicious strike you draw the very lifeforce from your target. Gate Pass Gazette
Living Shadow 3 2nd degree Eldritch Blackguard Bonus Action Severing yourself from your own shadow, you place it at your opponent’s back! Gate Pass Gazette
Look At Me! 2 3rd degree Sanguine Knot Action Turn your weapon attacks into distractions that allow allies to move through the battlefield more freely. Adventurer's Guide
Make Them Laugh 6 5th degree Comedic Jabs Action Make a fool of yourself for the delight of others Gate Pass Gazette
Malicious Mark 1 1st degree Arcane Knight Bonus Action (Stance) You shift your attention to magically make your opponent easier to combat. Gate Pass Gazette
Mercurial Striking Stance 1 4th degree Tooth and Claw Bonus Action (Stance) Focus on making every hit with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or dual-wielding weapon have a satisfying impact. Adventurer's Guide
Mind Over Body 1 3rd degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action Reduce the damage you take. Adventurer's Guide
Missile Volley 2 3rd degree Biting Zephyr Action Attack a group of creatures within 10 feet of a focal point. Adventurer's Guide
Mistaken Opportunity 2 4th degree Unending Wheel Reaction Use a reaction to turn a strike that misses into an attack against a different opponent. Adventurer's Guide
Mistfade Retreat 2 3rd degree Eldritch Blackguard Reaction As your foe’s deadly attack falls upon you, your form becomes mist and shadow. Gate Pass Gazette
Mounted Charge 2 1st degree Spirited Steed Action Move your mount’s Speed and gain advantage on your first attack. Adventurer's Guide
Mugging Hit 1 2nd degree Mist and Shade Bonus Action Make a Sleight of Hand check against a creature you have hit. Adventurer's Guide
Mundane Missile Stance 2 4th degree Biting Zephyr Bonus Action (Stance) Give nearly any weapon the thrown property. Adventurer's Guide
Mystic Feint 1 2nd degree Arcane Knight Reaction For a moment you distort your enemy’s perception, causing them to overextend themselves. Gate Pass Gazette
Necrotic Grip 2 2nd degree Eldritch Blackguard Reaction Your grip can wither flesh from bone. Gate Pass Gazette
Off-Balancing Strikes 1 2nd degree Mirror’s Glint Bonus Action Knock your target off-balance, reducing its Speed and agility. Adventurer's Guide
Old Pal 1 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action putting on a friendly face and sidling up to an enemy thirsting for your blood is just unexpected enough to work. Gate Pass Gazette
Overconfident Gambit 2 2nd degree Gallant Heart Reaction Announce your impeding success with sheer audacity Gate Pass Gazette
Overrun None Basic maneuver None Action Force your way through a hostile creature's space. Adventurer's Guide
Painful Pickpocket 1 1st degree Mist and Shade Reaction Use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check against a target which hits you. Adventurer's Guide
Parrying Counter 1 2nd degree Rapid Current Reaction Increase your AC against one creature and gain a free attack if it misses you. Adventurer's Guide
Partner Fall 2 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Nothing impresses like taking somebody down with you Gate Pass Gazette
Perceptive Stance 1 1st degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action (Stance) Enhance your perception. Adventurer's Guide
Perfect Assault 3 5th degree Unending Wheel Action Exhaust your exertion pool to transform all of your attacks into combat maneuvers. Adventurer's Guide
Perfect Edge Stance 2 4th degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action (Stance) Focus on making your strikes as devastating as possible, increasing how often you score a critical hit. Adventurer's Guide
Perplexing Flurry 1 1st degree Mist and Shade Action Cause your enemy to suffer disadvantage while you focus all your attacks on them. Adventurer's Guide
Pickpocket 1 3rd degree Mist and Shade Reaction Use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check. Adventurer's Guide
Pie To The Face 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Action Throw food to gain the edge in combat Gate Pass Gazette
